Sat 11 Jan
$pecials ALL DAY LONG Sweet Seductive Ebony Freak with a Booty that will Amaze you. - 28
New Years Day Hott Milf... Stellar Reviews.. You Won't Be Disappointed incall - 38
(Harrisburg, Harrisburg/Mechanicsburg/Dillsburg)
Partyyy girl🔞 Looking to have some fun 😉💦👑 AVAILABLE LATE NIGHT🌙 & EARLY MORNINGS☉!! - 20
(Front St., Harrisburg)
(Harrisburg, MechanicsburgINCALL/OUTCALL HBG,YORK.LAN)
Get ready for Sexual enhancement in 10 min!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
Gorgeous ★2 Blondes♥ PARTY GIRLS!! Madison & Amber >Dream Team Azz Parade☆ 2girl special! In or Out - 22
(Harrisburg, Harrisburg Incalls or Outcalls)
*[late nite special] - {SOFT n SEXY TALL n SLIM} - (BeAuTiFuL bEeDrOoM eYe'S) - [late nite special] - 23
(Orlando Airport I Drive Seaworld)
College CO-ED, cute and fun! - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, 10 minutes away)
80$ special back by popular demand!!!!!!! come see why my clients always return - 25
(Orlando, International & universal)
*** 248 * 979* 0516 HoNeY's In ThE BuIlDiNG 248 * 979*0516 *** - 26
°•○☆Kandis**〓〓 VeRY FuN 〓〓 UnFoRGeTAbLE 〓〓 iN eVeRy WaY 〓〓 ReAdy tO PlaY♥♡InCalL Specials ☆○•° - 24
(Oklahoma City, south i240)
👑 💯% R E A L ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVℰ💄👄 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† ☆ 🙈🎀 - 25
(East Bay, Oakland, oakland Richmond Berkeley San Leandro, Richmond)
🌹⚘ ((PARTY GIRL☃)) ⚘🌷💦Dripping 💦 OUT...CALLS O.N.L.Y🔥Fetish🍌 CUCKOLD - 22
(Fairfield, Fairfield North bay, North Bay)
Escorts Traverse city, Mi ★ ★ GREENEYED GODDESS ★ ★ w/ Killer curvres - 31
(Northern Michigan, T.C. and surround area 231 871 1028)
Always a pleasure with Nicolette! Up North Tour will I be near you look inside and see! - 25
(every where)
🌟New In town.·°*°·.Beautiful Alexis🌟 Non-rushed & discreet 🌟 Napa Outcalls - 21
(North Bay, Napa - Outcalls)
►►►Come Keep Warm►►WITH ►► MS DIAMOND!◄◄◄ Vicksburg ◄◄All Weekend◄ - 36
(Monroe, Vicksburg Area ONLY IN & OUT 6014560021)
** Good things come in small packages young Paris 110 34c new in town few days only - 22
(Madison, westside near south gammon rd or out)
♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕ Pinkys Freaky ♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕ Sunday Freak Nic ♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕ Come Kick It Wit A Real Freak ♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋ - 25
(Milwaukee, ♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕OUTS♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕♋⭕)
❤️💚💛💜❤️New Asain ❤️💚💛💜Young Pretty Girls ❤️💚💛💜Waiting 4 U ❤️💚Table Shower Available ❤️💚 Call:414-885-7011 - 23
(9235 W Capitol Dr. Suite 200 Milwaukee, Milwaukee)
WONDERFUL wednesday 2 girl SPECIAL :) - 38 DD!! CINDERELLA 48 in HIPS!! ALL morning - 20
(Milwaukee, MilWaUKEE northside DISCREET incalls :))
•♥• . •SW EE T •EXO T IC •(100% real) PHiLLiP i NA B EAU TY• . •♥• 99spcl - 21
(Milwaukee, Incall & outcall)
specials Aria 262-527-7957 avaliable . hot blonde. right off 94. oconomowoc - 29
(Milwaukee, oconomowoc. milwaukee. brookfield)
Spend New years with this gorgeous princess 😘 Young, white, slim, tight, with a nice 🍑 DON'T MISS OUT - 19
(Bayshore/ north side incall, Milwaukee)
No rushing!!!!! Satisfaction guranteed! Best in TOWN - 22
(Milwaukee, Brown deer,Menomonee falls,Mequon,German)
▶▶NeW PiCs➡➡(S)(E)(X) KiiTTeN 💜 80$ SPeCiaL💜⬅⬅UKRAiiNIaN ❤ BeST BBW iiN TOwN◀◀ - 21
(Milwaukee, south side Layton ave. INCALLS ONLY)
OutCall 80$$ ♥【 954-868-9221 】PETiTE【♥】1OO% HOT $pl All Nite! 【EXOTiC ASiAN/LaTinA* BOMBSHELL】 - 20
SPECIALSS ** Exotic ** Beautifull ** Cuban/ Brazilian ** KENDRA ** Dont ** Miss ** Out * - 20
(Miami, INCALLS ...Palmetto & 103 st)
Sexy New BBW!!! hey fellows I'm in jackson tn Come Let Me Put You on Cloud 9!!! **60/80/120** - 24
(Memphis, jackson tn)
READY NOWl FUNSIZE Petite Treat JuicY booty ❤❤█✪ █ ♥Beautiful Sweet & Curvy ***❤❤❤██ ✪ █ - 20 - 21
(Memphis, Memphis Tn, East Memphis)
_______ ___________ _______________ ____ Never 2 Late Or Early - 24
(Memphis, in/outcall w memphis ar lakeland arlingt)
♡————— NEw —————— ~BUSTy && SWEET~ ——————— MEXiCAN * BoMBsHeLL —————♡ - 23
🌊🌊 DIP into my Aqua🏊CAN I ride your SUBMARINE?🚢 Incall Only!Trucker friendly🚛🚚 - 21
(Memphis, Memphis/american way)
-:¦:- BeAuTiFuL, FLeXiBlE, ReVieWeD, && ReAdY Miss CrYsTaL *sPeCiAlS* -:¦:- - 20